Meet The Team - David R A Beswick

This week we sit down with David R A Beswick on our Central Support Team

1. How long have you worked at Saffron Insurance?

8 years and 6 months.

2. Tell us about your career at Saffron up to this point?

Claims - Straight out of University I started in the Claims Department in Royston. Where I was able to gain a wide range of knowledge in all things insurance. Importantly this role enabled me to interact with clients and work to successfully resolve claims. Communication between all parties was key - broker, insurer and client.

Marketing - Soon after Saffron setup an in-house marketing department where I was tasked with managing all internal and external communications. In this time I spent a year working with our partnered brand agency Brand Experience. 

Facilities - As Saffron’s office footprint has grown across East Anglia my time is now also spent ensuring that each branch and its services meet the needs of the staff that work in them.  

3. What is your biggest achievement since working here?

Tough question! Saffron is constantly evolving and I have so far evolved with the business. An achievement in itself.

4. Describe yourself in three words?

Committed, Creative and Conscientious.

5. If given a chance, who would you like to be for a day?

Elon Musk – Sure I (he) would come up with a few billion-dollar ideas that I could steal.

6. Tell us something about yourself that would surprise us?

I am partial to a jazzy shirt and a few moves on the dance floor!


Connect with David on LinkedIn. 

Tags: Meet The Team | Culture | Working at Saffron